A web server with D

Sean Kelly sean at invisibleduck.org
Sun Jun 20 09:21:18 PDT 2010

Mengu Wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been interested in and learning D for a while and currently developing
> a web development IDE with it. I can say that I have a middle level knowledge
> that I have been trying to increase. Anyway. I want to develop a web server
> for Python and Ruby web applications some months later from now,
> after completing the IDE. But until then I want all my research to be
> completed and I have enough knowledge that I need to develop this web server,
> in addition to D and within D.
> So, my two questions are these:
>   1) What do I need to know in order to develop a web server, generally?
>   2) What do I need to know within D to make this good enough?

Read the HTTP RFC, tear your hair out as you realize that the grammar isn't context-free, and console yourself with the knowledge that it's still one of the most solid and well-followed internet protocol RFCs.  There are a few RFCs on cookies you'll need to look at too.  After that, if you want a high-performance server I'd suggest looking into libevent.

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