Is it time for D1 to die of natural causes?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Wed Jun 23 09:11:51 PDT 2010

Justin Johansson wrote:

> Now that Andrei's much anticipated publication of TDPL is out, is it
> time that D1 should now perish?
> My personal feeling is that by cremating D1, time and effort can then be
> better expended and focused on solidifying D2.
> Cheers
> Justin Johansson

I don't think that Walter has any intention of ceasing support for D1 any 
time soon. Even if D2 were perfectly stable and better than D1 in every 
respect, I don't think that Walter would be stopping support for D1 just 
yet. And as far as I know, that's restricted to bug fixes of dmd for D1 - at 
least some of which come up when working on D2 or are at least bugs in both 
D1 and D2.

If you want efforts towards replacing D1 with D2, then we need to be doing 
work to replace references to D which are really D1 (be it tutorials or the 
online docs or whatever) with references to D1 and references to D2 with 
references to D - thereby treating D2 as D and D1 as D1.

Even though I have no interest in D1, I see no reason to get rid of D1. It 
works and people use it. What we need to do is work on clearing away the 
confusion of what D is and make it so that stuff referring to D is referring 
to D2 or is clear that it's referring to D1.

Leaving users of D1 in the cold isn't going to help anyone.

- Jonathan M Davis

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