Errors in TDPL

Alix Pexton alix.DOT.pexton at
Thu Jun 24 13:03:08 PDT 2010

Does anyone else feel that the following is a fair clarification?

Page 396
	This means that communicating processors "forget" the exact order in 
which data was written: one tread writes x and then y and for a while 
another thread sees the new y but only the old x.


	This means that communicating processors "forget" the exact order in 
which data was written: one tread writes to x and then to y and for a 
while another thread sees the new value of y but only the old value of x.


Once I got my head around what is being claimed, I realised that it is 
correct as it appears, but it took me several reading to get there. It 
might just be because I'm a bit of a concurrency novice, but I'm sure 
I'm not the only one with a copy of tDPL ^^


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