An example of Clang error messages

dolive dolive89 at
Fri Mar 5 11:43:44 PST 2010

Jacob Carlborg дµ½:

> On 3/5/10 02:10, bearophile wrote:
> > Walter Bright:
> >> But there's little reason to implement a D compiler from scratch.<
> >
> > I'm ignorant about this topic, but I think there are various ways to create a new D front-end:
> > - Copy the C++ code of DMD and create a small middle-end to adapt it to something else, LDC and GDC have done this. This is the faster way to produce something that works.
> > - Translate the dmd front-end to D code that looks as much as possible as the original C++. And when it works well, then it can slowly be adapted to use D features, etc. The advantage of this way is that you then can program in D instead of C++, and later people that want to help in the development of this don't need to know C++ too. Another advantage is that such good amount of D code can give ideas to improve D itself. I think someone has tried to do this, but I think there's no working compiler yet (maybe DIL?).
> > - Create a front-end in D almost from scratch. Maybe Dlang is trying to become this. The advantage is that it's modelled on Clang, that has a nice modular design.
> >
> > Bye,
> > bearophile
> I add to the above:
> If you want to create an application or library that uses a D front end, 
> for example an IDE with refactoring and autocompletion, you are forced 
> to write it in C++ and use the GPL license. BTW the DMD front end is 
> probably not very good for this sort of things.
> /Jacob Carlborg

approve  to implement D frontend  from scratch with D2.
Should be  to absorb more committer of those, like ddmd and dil author,  do not just one person's project, to form a more powerful community .

vote ?


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