Container insertion and removal

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Sat Mar 6 05:19:36 PST 2010

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> In the STL world, writing container-independent code is generally 
> shunned (see e.g. 
> One problem is a very small intersection between the functionalities 
> offered by the various STL containers, and the conceptual organization 
> that is weaker than that of iterators.
> A worse problem is iterator invalidation rules, something that we'll 
> need to address too. I'm thinking that the best defense is a strong 
> offense, and I plan to define the following naming convention:
> Methods such as insert, remove, pushFront, pushBack, removeFront, 
> removeBack, are assumed to affect the container's topology and must be 
> handled in user code as such.
> In addition to those, a container may also define functions named after 
> the above by adding a "soft" prefix (e.g. softInsert, softRemove...) 
> that are guaranteed to not affect the ranges currently iterating the 
> container.
> Generic code that needs specific iterator (non-)invalidation rules can 
> use softXxx methods, in confidence that containers not supporting it 
> will be ruled out during compilations.
> Sounds good?

How can softRemove not affect iterating ranges?  What if the range is positioned on the element removed?

The only two containers that would support softInsert would be linked list and sorted map/set.  Anything else might completely screw up the iteration.  I don't see a lot of "generic" use for it.

Another option is to use a "mutation" field that is checked every chance by the range.  If it changes, then the range is invalidated.


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