any tool to at least partially convert C++ to D (htod for source

Ellery Newcomer ellery-newcomer at
Wed Mar 10 16:22:26 PST 2010

On 03/10/2010 05:14 PM, grauzone wrote:
> You could move the static ctor into another module outside of the cycle
> (e.g. the module where your main() function is). Then you get the same
> effects as "platform" dependent initialization.

most of my static ctors just set a logger object meant for use within 
the module. In retrospect, it was kind of a boneheaded thing to do, 
since the loggers all get initialized inside the logger module anyways.

Actually, all of it was to work around the idiom

static Object singleton = new Object();

which doesn't have a 1-1 correspondence in D. I've converted most of 
them to enums..

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