[OT] Thunderbird 3 vs. 2

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Fri Mar 12 09:39:42 PST 2010

"Andrei Alexandrescu" <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote in message 
news:hndpev$2oma$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Step 2 is another huge reason of annoyance with both Thunderbird and 
> Opera. As far as I can tell, if they are downloading headers in the 
> background, user actions have bottom  priority. I want to see a message, I 
> click, and then I wait and wait and wait. It's like a worker who can't 
> tend to an urgent task because of doing drawer cleanup! The right behavior 
> is to pause everything that's going on if that would slow down the user.

That sort of thing is a big pet peeve for me too (Maybe I'm just being 
pessemistic, but it seems to be all too common lately). It's definitely a 
dominant charactaristic of Mozilla in general though, not just Thunderbird. 
Literally at least half the time I use FireFox, there will be some point 
where I'll have something loading in one tab, so I'll try to switch to 
another tab so I can do something useful while I'm waiting, but then it 
won't switch tabs (or have any responsiveness at all, for that matter) until 
the first tab finishes loading. *Then* it'll switch tabs even though by then 
it's become pointless.

I *really* wish I could find a web browser that fixes those responsiveness 
problems AND has a normal non-skinned UI, FireFox's lack of any useless 
always-resident background services, AND FireFox's AdBlock Plus, NoScript, 
TabMixPlus, BetterPrivacy, and ideally DownloadHelper and DownThemAll as 
well...but I've yet to find anything that comes even close. I've been 
tempted to try to hack up SRWare Iron (ie, the only Chromium implementation 
I allow to exist on my computer) to do just that, but, heck, I sure as hell 
don't have the time :(

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