Some problems with operator overloading

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Sun Mar 14 07:55:41 PDT 2010

In the following little programs can you help me tell apart my errors from bugs in dmd?

(This post shows only part of the problems I have found with operator overloading).


1) Error in the documentation in this page:


struct S {
    int opEquals(ref const S s) { ... }

Probably has to become like:

struct S {
    const bool opEquals(ref const(S) s) { ... }


2) This code runs:

import std.c.stdio: printf;
struct Foo {
    int data;
    int opEquals(T:Foo)(T other) {
        return ==;
void main() {
    int r = Foo(5) == Foo(5);

But I think dmd has to raise a c error, and require something like:
const bool opEquals(T:Foo)(ref const(Foo) other) {
const bool opEquals(T:Foo)(const(Foo) other) {


3) This code runs:

struct Foo {
    int data;
    bool opBinary(string Op:"==")(ref const Foo other) { // wrong: opEquals
        return ==;
    bool opBinary(string Op)(ref const Foo other) if (Op == "0") { // wrong
        return ==;
void main() {}

But that can cause bugs: it's easy for programmers to forget to use opEquals instead of opBinary("==").

And generally I'd like dmd to raise an error when silly ops are defined, like that "0". It's important to avoid many bugs in the operator overloading usage.


4) This program doesn't compile:

struct Foo {
    int x;
    Foo opUnary(string op:"++")() {
        return this;
void main() {
    Foo f = Foo(5);
    f++; // line 10

temp.d(10): Error: var has no effect in expression (__tmp1)


5) Here an implicit cast to uint or int can be handy, to avoid the cast (to be able to create a generic "fake int" struct), is this possible?

struct Foo {
    int x;
    int opCast(T:int)() {
        return this.x;
void main() {
    Foo f = Foo(5);
    auto a1 = new int[cast(int)f]; // OK
    auto a2 = new int[f];          // ERR

Philippe Sigaud in the digitalmars.D.learn newsgroup suggests an opImplicitCast. It can be useful in other situations (but I don't know its possible bad side effects):

struct Foo {
    int x;
    int opCast(T:int)() {
        return this.x;
void bar(int i) {}
void main() {
    Foo f = Foo(5);
    bar(f); // Error



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