A problem with generators

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Wed Mar 17 15:03:09 PDT 2010

Adam D. Ruppe:
> It says exactly what it does, and enables something you couldn't do before.

Even assembly says what it does, but here I want more sugar :-) It helps.

> How is that a hack?

It shows too much the machinery, this can lead to bugs, requires more code, requires more memory to remember it, you need more time to read it and see if/where it's wrong.

> The Go language sucks.

In future it can suck less :-) And even a bad product or ignorant person can give useful suggestions. The authors of Go are not ignorant people: Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. I am not even worth brushing their sandals :-) They are giving a lesson in almost the limits of minimalism in a modern language.


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