Improve D1/D2 home page

Bane branimir.milosavljevic at
Fri Mar 19 11:06:05 PDT 2010

I have been thinking about the same thing the other day.

My first contact with D was 5 years ago. I had solid background using PHP and Python, and occasionally used Delphi and C/C++, so I knew basics on non-scripting languages as well. I have been searching for compiled language with less frustrating usage than C, and somehow ended up on D website.

I had trouble understanding what's going on. Raw input was there, but some simple basic guide was missing. I believe even now website is optimized for more experienced programmers that know C++ that can read stuff and say "Hey, this looks very familiar to what I use..." AND that are willing to dig website enough to find what they are looking for. But for beginners or users of non-similar language it is hard, hard and confusing experience.

That's why I quit D on first contact after few days of frustration. 2 years and more C/C++ experience later, I came back to website, said something like "hey, this looks familiar" and started switching to D.

Taken the fact that D has simple and powerful syntax as many popular languages today (easy string & array manipulation, powerful built in types, no cryptic syntax, compiler that reports errors pretty good, no hidden quirks or PITAs, builtin library with pretty much enough for any start), I really don't see why should D be considered 'good as second language'. Shit, it is good as first language for beginners to!
All it needs is more dope friendly website, with tutorials and info that already exists organized to more logical places, more useful menu with real hierarchy, news section, FAQ, beginers section with some programming basics (nothing fancy), and most importantly 'quick start' tutorial with flashing orange link that shows  visitor how to download and compile 'Hello world" in 2 min and piss his pants of excitement, willing to find out more about this cool language.

The only reason I dont bitch more about it because I cant do it (been told more than once I don't distinguish green from red color when I tried to play with webdesign), and its lame from me to say to other people what should they do.

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