Obfuscating function names and the like inside exe file

bobef _asd_ASd_ASD_Asdasd_ASd at asdasda___dasd.com
Sun Mar 21 11:58:54 PDT 2010

Walter Bright Wrote:

> 1. make sure you're not compiling with debug info (-g) on.

Bye bye stack traces... :(

> 2. you can just use a bit editor to stomp on those names in the executable 
> (replace them with XXXXX or whatever). The exe files are not checksummed, so 
> this should be straightforward.

Too much manual work. Any clues how I can automate this? At least where I should look for info?

> 3. rename your sensitive classes to obscure names, then alias them to a readable 
> name. The alias name shouldn't appear in the executable:
>      class CXX97ASDFXX { }
>      alias CXX97ASDFXX mySensitiveName;

Nice idea. Didn't thought about it. But it won't work for external libraries. For example if I'm using dcrypt it will be obvious I'm using one of its supported ciphers for my encrypted data. I wouldn't wish this to be so obvious, at least not for people without reverse-engineering skills.


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