
so so at
Sun Mar 28 06:44:50 PDT 2010

> or give you the "default" precision. And note that this problem is not  
> what you pointed out initially, but something I gave.

That is it, whole point, what the heck is a default literal or precision  
in a generic code?

> double occupies less space and can use SSE instructions.
float faster and use half of double, that is not a valid argument, and it  
is not a valid answer to the problem at hand.
If i want double i must state it "0.5d", float "0.5f" real "0.5L", we are  
talking about again "generic" code.

There are too many implicit casts, main reason is because there are  
default literals, am i wrong?

> invalid code?
> probably
> T inv(T)(T m) {
> 	return 1 / m;
> }

Now you are just doing it for the sake of argument. :P
This is another function, for another purpose.

> Integers are the only values that can be represented without any  
> approximation (unless you resort to rationals, or inefficient  
> representations that are probably ok only at compile time or in very  
> specific applications).
> So generic code should use integers, not floating points.
> You might argue that the way to get a floating point literal of type T  
> is ugly:
> 	cast(T)1.0
> for example fortran uses 1.0_T, but one can definitely live with it,  
> anyway normally you should use integers, generic floating point literals  
> is not really something that is so well defined...

This is not only about floating point types, same applies to integers.

3 is default "int" right?
Imagine what happens if it wasn't.

ushort m0 = 30000000000000000000000000000000000; // error
ubyte m1 = 3; // no implicit cast, fine
byte m2 = 3; // same
short m3 = 3; // same
ubyte m5 = -3; // error
ushort m6 = -3; // error

And for the floating point case :

float m = 0.5;
double n = 0.5;
real r = 0.5;

What is wrong with this?


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