Two CTFE benchmarks

Don nospam at
Sun Mar 28 10:48:50 PDT 2010

bearophile wrote:
> It's a lot of time I don't show benchmarks here :-)
> I have taken the timings of run time or compile time of a integer-based function (nqueens) and a function that works with small arrays of integers (adapted from the Shootout).
> I have used dmd 2.042 with -O -release -inline
> The timings for the CFTE version don't include the printing on screen, I have just timed the compile time.
> The CPU is a Celeron at about 2.3 GHz. Code is shown below.
> Timings nqueens, seconds:
>   N=         10    11     12    13    14    15
>   ctfe:    0.43  1.83  23.40     -     -     -
>   runtime: 0.04  0.04   0.05  0.13  0.55  3.21
> Timings fannkuch, seconds:
>   N=          6     7      8     9    10    11
>   ctfe:    0.22  0.51  17.50     -     -     -
>   runtime: 0.03  0.03   0.04  0.07  0.43  4.63
> I have not timed ldc, but usually it's about 20-30% faster than dmd at CFTE (and often 100-300% faster than dmd at runtime).
> The CFTE is quite slower, but the main problem is that it uses a too much large amount of RAM. Reducing the RAM used can probably speed up too a little.

Memory reduction would speed it up enormously. Almost all CTFE issues 
trace back to bug 1330. Thanks for the benchmarks, they're very helpful.

> ----------------------------
> // nqueens
> import std.c.stdio: printf;
> // the original code is not mine
> uint nqueens(uint c, uint ll=0, uint r=0, uint n=0) {
>     uint b;
>     if (~c)
>         for (uint
>              S = ll | c | r; ~0U != S;
>              b = ~S & (S + 1), S |= b, n = nqueens(c | b, (ll | b) << 1, (r | b) >> 1, n)
>             ) {}
>     else
>         n++;
>     return n;
> }
> enum int n = 10;
> version(ctfe) enum uint result = nqueens(~0U >> n); // ctfe
> void main() {
>     version(ctfe) {} else uint result = nqueens(~0U >> n); // runtime
>     printf("nqueens(%d) = %u\n", n, result);
> }
> ----------------------------
> // fannkuch
> import std.c.stdio: printf;
> int fannkuch(int n) {
>     int i, j, k, t, flips, maxFlipsCount, check;
>     int r = n;
>     auto perm = new int[n];
>     auto perm1 = new int[n];
>     auto count = new int[n];
>     foreach (ist; 0 .. n)
>         perm1[ist] = ist;
>     for ( ; ; ) {
>         if (check < 30) {
>             //pragma(msg, permToString(perm1)); // not possible
>             check++;
>         }
>         while (r != 1) {
>             count[r - 1] = r;
>             r--;
>         }
>         if (!(perm1[0] == 0 || perm1[n-1] == n-1)) {
>             foreach (ist; 0 .. n)
>                 perm[ist] = perm1[ist];
>             flips = 0;
>             i = perm[0];
>             do {
>                 for (j = 1, k = i - 1; j < k; j++, k--) {
>                     t = perm[j];
>                     perm[j] = perm[k];
>                     perm[k] = t;
>                 }
>                 flips++;
>                 t = perm[i];
>                 perm[i] = i;
>                 i = t;
>             } while(i);
>             if (flips > maxFlipsCount)
>                 maxFlipsCount = flips;
>         }
>         for ( ; ; ) {
>             if (r == n)
>                 return maxFlipsCount;
>             t = perm1[0];
>             for (i = 0; i < r; ) {
>                 j = i + 1;
>                 perm1[i] = perm1[j];
>                 i = j;
>             }
>             perm1[r] = t;
>             count[r]--;
>             if (count[r] > 0)
>                 break;
>             r++;
>         }
>     }
> }
> /*
> This is faster as run-time function:
> int fannkuch(int n)() {
>     int i, j, k, t, flips, maxFlipsCount, check;
>     int r = n;
>     int[n] perm, perm1, count;
>     foreach (ist; Range!(0, n))
>         perm1[ist] = ist;
>     for ( ; ; ) {
>         if (check < 30) {
>             //pragma(msg, permToString(perm1)); // not possible because of many D bugs
>             check++;
>         }
>         while (r != 1) {
>             count[r - 1] = r;
>             r--;
>         }
>         if (!(perm1[0] == 0 || perm1[n-1] == n-1)) {
>             foreach (ist; Range!(0, n))
>                 perm[ist] = perm1[ist];
> ...
> */
> enum int n = 11;
> version(ctfe) enum int result = fannkuch(n); // ctfe
> void main() {
>     version(ctfe) {} else int result = fannkuch(n); // runtime
>     printf("Pfannkuchen(%d) = %d\n", n, result);
> }
> ----------------------------
> Bye,
> bearophile

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