It is impossible to debug code compiled with dmd

Robert Clipsham robert at
Wed Mar 31 08:09:51 PDT 2010

On 31/03/10 10:41, Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:
> On Linux dmd outputs faulty debug info.

There are several bugs in the debug info on linux, one of them I've 
fixed (for most cases ie. anything that requires phobos, I'm working on 
the other cases ie. anything that needs funky libraries that use a lot 
of complicated function pointers), and another one you've sent me a 
massive test case for which I'm working down to a manageable size for a 
bug report now (I'd have done it by now, your make file doesn't play 
nicely with my multilib system though ;)). Other than those 2 bugs I 
don't know what else is blocking debug info on linux... I'm becoming 
quite familiar with DWARF/dmd's backend code for DWARF through all this 
debugging, so if I can get these bugs fixed I'd be happy to work on any 
others while I have time.

> On Windows optlink crashes when building code in debug. Current
> situation is a complete disaster.

OPTLINK still has problems, hopefully this situation will improve as it 
gradually gets ported to C and eventually open sourced (or at least we 
can hope that happens ;)). If not I guess we need to either write a new 
linker, or a new backend for dmd so it can output COFF and use another 

Hopefully we can sort this situation out and get debug info for D on a 
par with C/C++ :)

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