console output in dll doesn't work

Trass3r un at
Wed Mar 31 10:57:51 PDT 2010

> What was the fix? The example in samples/d/mydll compiles fine and looks  
> very much the same.
Note that I'm talking about D2.

1. The path in build.bat is incorrect: is ..\..\..\bin\dmd instead of  
2. printf isn't defined by default anymore.
3. The gc code etc in DllMain is for D1 I guess. I used code from instead.
4. HINSTANCE g_hInst; wasn't (__g)shared

> In contrast to printf the std.stdio.write functions seem to buffer the  
> output. When the DLL is unloaded, console output is already closed by  
> the application.
> Two possible solutions:
> 1. call stdout.flush() after writing

doesn't fix it.

> 2. set std.c.stdio._fcloseallp = null; before terminating the exe, but  
> expect scrumbled output from the DLL and the exe

fixes it. need to find out why.

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