Please, don't feed the troll (was "Does D Suck?")

Bernard Helyer b.helyer at
Mon May 17 17:41:01 PDT 2010

On 17/05/10 17:17, GirlProgrammer wrote:
> If D doesn't suck, and is better than C++ why am I not using it? Indeed,
> why isn't hardly anyone using it?

I imagine you get some dull pleasure from posting essentially the same 
message to the NG every few months or so (this is almost certainly the 
person behind the 'is d a cult' thread a few months ago, and ios the 
same person behind 'what is d' from a few weeks) so until 
GirlProgrammer/Jane Doe/Janis D/angelinastyle contributes a question 
beyond the same simple troll, 'she' is not worth responding to, so I'd 
just like to take this opportunity to remind the NG of the content 'she' 
has previously posted, and reconsider in replying to 'her' accordingly.

Just a friendly PSA.  n_n

PS: It's nice to see that you've updated your XP install since your last 

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