Overzealous recursive template expansion protection?

Gareth Charnock gareth.charnock at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 19:03:47 PDT 2010

I've been trying to correctly implement the interpreter 
patten/expression templates in D (for reference this is a summary of the 
C++ interpreter patten can be found here 
http://www.drdobbs.com/184401627). I've run into a problem and I'm not 
sure if it's a compiler bug or not. The testcase is:

struct BinaryOp(L,string op,R) {
	pragma(msg,"Instansiating " ~ typeof(this).stringof);
	BinaryOp!(typeof(this),s,R1) opBinary(string s,R1)(R1 r) {
		pragma(msg,"Instansiating BinaryOp.opBinary ~L.stringof ~ op ~ 
		return typeof(return)();

struct Leaf {
	BinaryOp!(typeof(this),s,R) opBinary(string s,R)(R r) {
		pragma(msg,"Instansiating leaf.opBinary(" ~ R.stringof ~ ")");
		return typeof(return)();

void main() {
	Leaf v1,v2,v3;
	pragma(msg,"======= This Compiles ======");
	pragma(msg,"======= This Doesn't ======");
======= This Compiles ======
Instansiating BinaryOp!(Leaf,s,Leaf)
Instansiating leaf.opBinary(Leaf)
Instansiating BinaryOp!(Leaf,s,BinaryOp!(Leaf,s,Leaf))
Instansiating leaf.opBinary(BinaryOp!(Leaf,s,Leaf))

======= This Doesn't ======
Error: recursive template expansion for template argument 

I've tracked the problem down to the return type of BinaryOp.opBinary. 
Clearly putting BinaryOp!(typeof(this),...) would be a Bad Thing in the 
main template body but opBinary is a template that may or may not be 
instantiated so it shouldn't automatically lead to runaway 
instantiation. It seems the compiler is a little bit overzealous in 
making sure that such runaway instantiations do not happen.

Is this a bug? Should I file it? Here's what I think a minimal test case 
might look like:

struct A(T1) {
	void templateFunc(T2)(T2 a) {
		 alias A!(typeof(this)) error;

void main() {
	 A!int a;

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