[help]operator overloading with opEquals in a class

dennis luehring dl.soluz at gmx.net
Thu Nov 4 01:31:51 PDT 2010

> That warning just needs to become an error message as soon as possible. See:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4216
> It's in my list of about 20 very small changes that I'd like to see ASAP in D2.

can you please create an small web-page (or blog, or whatever) to save 
your always (very most of the time) ideas, change request etc.

maybe splitted by D2,D3 - small, huge, evil ratings... and keep that up 
to date - so can refere better and nothing is lost in the huge mass of 
others posts in this newsgroup

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