null [re: spec#]

retard re at
Sun Nov 7 17:54:22 PST 2010

Sun, 07 Nov 2010 14:09:01 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

> Simen kjaeraas wrote:
>> You misunderstand. The idea is this:
>> void foo( ) {
>>   Object p;
>>   if ( m ) {
>>     p = new Object( );
>>     p.DoSomethingThatNeedsToBeDoneNow( );
>>   }
>>   // 20 lines of code here
>>   if ( m ) {
>>     p.doSomethingWeird( dataFromAbove );
>>   }
>> }
> You're right, the real cases where this kind of thing occurs are much
> more complex. I just posted the thing boiled down.
> And, of course, there's always a way to refactor the code to eliminate
> the spurious error message. But sometimes the result is as ugly as
> Pascal's efforts to prove you really don't need a 'break' statement in a
> loop.
> The real problem with the spurious errors is that then people will put
> in an initialization "just to shut the compiler up." Time passes, and
> the next guy is looking at the code and wonders why x is being
> initialized to a value that is apparently never used, or worse, is
> initialized to some bogus value randomly picked by the long-retired
> programmer. I've seen code reviewers losing a lot of time on this issue.

That's why we have immutable variables. They force you to think what to 
put in the variables. A lot of cases like the one above would be solved 
if if-then-else was an functional expression instead of a void returning 
statement. C/C++/D has the ternary ?: but the syntax is obfuscated.

Object p = if (m) {
} else {

instead of

Object p;
if (m) {
  p = foo;
} else {
  p = bar;

There are even cases where the former can be const. The latter one has to 
be mutable in any case.

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