the D scripting language -- command line

Adam Ruppe destructionator at
Thu Nov 11 07:15:51 PST 2010

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
> Have you ever considered cleaning it up and publishing it as
> a web app library for D, either on dsource or somewhere similar?

Yes, I'd like to do that eventually, but haven't gotten around to it yet. You can
see, looking through the code, that I've been lax on documentation and there's a
lot of half-baked things in there still.

(Even some of the solider things feel incomplete to me, though I'm happy with it.
For example, my mysql.d file always returns results as strings, so the client code
has to check and convert data types without the help of the column info or
anything like that.

While it seems like it should be a tagged variant or something like that, using
the raw strings has been so easy that I don't care to change it.  int a =
to!int(line[1]); is remarkably simple.)

But, yeah, publishing it is the ultimate goal but I've gotta find the time to at
least document it a little better first.

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