PEG lib

spir denis.spir at
Sun Nov 21 13:37:02 PST 2010


I have a text processing, matching, parsing, toolkit based on PEG (see below short description). It should be close to usable, and has some documentation already. I would be pleased to publish it as a library for others to use eventually (with a free licence).
In the meantime, any kind of review, trial use, argumented critics, would be very useful to help & improve it, esp. to make it good D code -- because I'm very new to the language.
Module and doc available at:

Some characteristics:
* Hopefully, as a tool, it is clear & friendly.
* Grammars/parsers are written in plain D, using a set of typical pattern types.
* Produces a tree of rather simple nodes.
* A handful of helper pattern types allow producing an AST directly.
* Custom match actions performed on nodes ("bottom-up processing").
* Testing tools (match trials, specific assertions, test suites).
* Readable feedback (patterns, nodes, tests, errors).

    auto digit      = klass("0-9");
    auto natural    = charString(digit);
    auto SPACE      = drop(optionString(character(' ')));
    auto PLUS       = Composition(SPACE, literal("+"), SPACE);
    auto addition   = list(natural, PLUS, 2);
    addition.trial("98 + 765  +   4");	// common testing method
    pattern   : List([0-9]+, Composition(Drop(' '*) "+" Drop(' '*)), 2)
    text      : "98 + 765  +   4"
    outcome   : ["98" "765" "4"]

    auto nodes = natural.findAll("~~1-23__456===");
    ["1", "23", "456"]

    auto node = addition.match("98 + foo");
Match Failure: cannot match expected pattern.
   pattern : List([0-9]+,Extract(Drop(' '*) "+" Drop(' '*)),2)
   index   : 5
   found   : "foo"
Cannot find at least 2 elements for List pattern [...]

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣

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