D's greatest mistakes

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Mon Nov 29 17:52:48 PST 2010

On 2010-11-29 14:03:27 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu 
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> said:

>> For instance, here's a tricky question: should Unqual!(const C) give you
>> a const(C), a Rebindable!(const C), or simply C?
> C.
>> Now, what should
>> const(Unqual!(immutable C)) give you?
> const(C).

As I thought.

Now consider this generic code that uses Unqual:

	T[] giveMeASortedArray(alias Predicate, T)(T[] t) {
		// creating new array of the same length but with assignable elements
		auto copy = new Unqual!(typeof(t[0]))[t.length];

		// using a loop because copy[] = t[] doesn't enforce const properly!
		foreach (index, value; t)
			copy[index] = value;

		// sorting the copy
		return copy;

The above algorithm will work for types like const(int*), but it breaks 
if T is const(C) and C is a class. So it seems we'll need a special 
cases for generic algorithms to work for classes. That's what I meant 
when I say Rebindable is a fragile solution. It works in most cases, 
but it breaks in some others, mostly when you want to be generic.

So here's the challenge for you Andrei: find a way to make this code 
work without special-casing things for classes. The 
"giveMeASortedArray" function needs to return a new array containing 
all the elements of the original array, sorted according to the 
predicate. Here's my test case (the last line is the tricky one):

	int*[] a = giveMeASortedArray!("a < b")(new int*[12]);
	Object[] b = giveMeASortedArray!("a < b")(new Object[12]);
	const(int*)[] c = giveMeASortedArray!("a < b")(new const(int*)[12]);
	const(Object)[] d = giveMeASortedArray!("a < b")(new const(Object)[12]);

Good luck. It's doable using convoluted means and special-casing things 
for classes, but that'll just prove my point that Rebindable isn't a 
good solution.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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