RFC: Adding an alternative dispatch mechanism

Robert Jacques sandford at jhu.edu
Fri Oct 1 14:54:49 PDT 2010

On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 17:00:39 -0400, Austin Hastings <ah08010-d at yahoo.com>  

> Howdy,
> One of the design patterns that doesn't see much publicity in the  
> mainstream is the Flyweight pattern.
> To save you a trip, Flyweight basically implements large numbers of  
> virtual objects - an array of bits, for example, is usually implemented  
> via this pattern.
> Iould be nice to be able to dodge the relatively high "object tax" for  
> small objects, without having to sacrifice all the features that  
> switching from class to struct requires. That is, if each object stores  
> a vtable, then a class with a single int member pays a 32bit tax on  
> 32bits of storage, and I suppose 64bits of tax on 32bits of storage in  
> 64-bit land.
> Obviously, this eventually fades away - your 1kbyte uberclass probably  
> isn't bothered by the tax. But I've got some 2-byte data that isn't  
> about to become a class, for obvious reasons.
> Anyway, I'd very much like to preserve the ability to derive subclasses.  
> This isn't about converting to struct, but about ways to lower the cost  
> of being an object.
> To that end, I'd like to propose a sort of opVtable - name obviously  
> subject to change - that would somehow report the class of the target  
> object, thus enabling virtual function dispatch.
> This would be static type based, so if you have a reference to a  
> BaseClass, then obviously the call will go to BaseClass.opVtable for  
> resolution.
> But there are lots of ways to encode type info, so BaseClass could  
> implement a trivial approach - all children get the same vtable (this is  
> Flyweight, really) - or BaseClass could use some characteristic of the  
> target object to determine a child class.
> This is for the most part syntactic sugar. But it's pretty powerful  
> sugar, since there are some edge cases (the object reference is the  
> data) where the amount of code-around to get the same result is pretty  
> high.
> As a thinking point, consider UTF-8 "character" sequences. The objects  
> are variable sized, and benefit strongly from being closely packed. I  
> don't think anyone wants to insert 32 bits of pointer at the front of  
> each sequence :).  But there are a LOT of different questions one might  
> ask about a UTF8 "object" - is it lower case? what is the upper case  
> version? is it in character class 'X'?
> A simple implementation would use opVtable to decode enough for size and  
> code page info, then proceed from there. The result would be that each  
> pointer into a buffer was effectively an object pointer.
> Comments?
> =Austin

The wikipedia article on the Flyweight pattern seems to describe something  
very different. That flyweight pattern was about conserving overall memory  
by sharing instantiations of immutable objects. Might this be a case of  
two different patterns with the same name? Do you have a link to a paper  
or page explaining the pattern you are talking about? Regarding the rest  
of the post, what features do you think are important and are lost going  
 from a class to a struct and can't be emulated using alias this,  
opDispatch, etc?

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