The Many Faces of D - slides

Simen kjaeraas simen.kjaras at
Sun Oct 3 08:07:02 PDT 2010

Russel Winder <russel at> wrote:

>         def sumOfSquares ( sequence ) :
>             return sum ( [ item * item for item in sequence ] )
> So the question is whether there is an idiomatic D version of this.

Probably this:

auto sum( R )( R range ) {
     return reduce!"a+b"( 0, range );

auto sumOfSquares( R )( R range ) {
     return sum( map!"a*a"( range ) );

I have written an implementation of list
comprehensions for D, but it is not perfect.

Usage example:
     ( list!"2 * a" | [1,2,3,4,5] & where!"a & 1" )

"2 * a" and "a & 1" may be replaced by any callable or a string
mixin, just like functions in std.algorithm.
[1,2,3,4,5] may be replaced with any range.

This is actually two parts, so the following are also allowed

( list!"2 * a" | [1,2,3] )
( [1,2,3] & where!"a & 1" )

Using this, the solution to the above would be:

auto sum( R )( R range ) {
     return reduce!"a+b"( 0, range );

auto sumOfSquares( R )( R range ) {
     return sum( list!"a*a" | range );

module listcomp;

import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
import std.array;

struct List( alias pred ) {
     auto opBinary( string op : "|", Range )( Range other ) {
         return map!pred(other);

struct Where( alias pred ) {
     auto opBinaryRight( string op : "&", R )( R range ) {
         return filter!pred(range);

whereImpl!pred where( alias pred )( ) {
     Where!pred result;
     return result;

listImpl!pred list( alias pred )( ) {
     List!pred result;
     return result;

unittest {
     assert( equal( ( list!"2 * a" | [1,2,3,4,5] & where!"a & 1" ),  
[2,6,10] ) );
     assert( equal( ( list!"2 * a" | [1,2,3] ), [2,4,6] ) );

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