Is D right for me?

Gour D. gour at
Tue Oct 5 06:52:29 PDT 2010

On Tue, 05 Oct 2010 15:39:30 +0200
>>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Gibson <metalcaedes at> wrote:

Daniel> try :-)

Ahh, this looks much better. Thanks. ;)

Daniel> I don't think it's as serious, because afaik Walter is not the
Daniel> only one developing the dmd compiler (and thus familiar with
Daniel> it) and, more importantly, there are alternative D compilers
Daniel> (gdc and ldc, with at least gdc being actively developed).

So, both gdc & ldc are open-source?

What about standard libs?

Daniel> So even if Walter, for whatever reason, stops developing D,
Daniel> there is - IMHO - a good chance that others will continue his
Daniel> efforts and keep D alive.

This is not so disheartening. :-)

btw, I've asked similar/same question on SO

 if you want to contribute (I'm not much advised for D, so far). ;)



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA
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