Is D right for me?

Daniel Gibson metalcaedes at
Mon Oct 11 17:49:15 PDT 2010

Andrei Alexandrescu schrieb:
> On 10/11/2010 12:38 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
>> But parts of phobos are deprecated or will be deprecated and there still
>> is no alternative for them.
>> That may prevent people from writing "real" projects in D2 (or D at all)
>> - who wants to use classes that will be deprecated soon?
>> Sure, that old stuff will not be removed and can still be used, but I
>> personally feel a bit uncomfortable with using deprecated code.
> Agreed. Maybe this is a good time to sart making a requirements list for 
> streams. What are the essential features/feature groups?
> Andrei

Maybe something like the following (I hope it's not too extensive):

* Input- Output- and InputAndOutput- Streams
   - having InputStream and OutputStream as an interface like in the old design may be a good idea
   - implementing the standard operations that are mostly independent from the data source/sink
     like read/write for basic types, strings, ... in mixin templates is probably elegant to create
     streams that are both Input and Output (one mixin that implements most of InputStream and
     one that implements most of OutputStream)

* Two kinds of streams:
   1. basic streams: reading/writing from/to:
     * network (socket)
     * files
     * just memory (currently MemoryStream)
     * Arrays/Ranges?
     * ...
   2. streams wrapping other streams:
     * for buffering - buffer input/output/both
       - with the possibility to peek?
     * to modify data when it's read/written (e.g. change endianess - important for networking!)
     * custom streams.. e.g. could parse/create CSV (comma seperated values) data or similar

* Also there are different types of streams: seekable, resettable (a network stream is neither), ...

* functionality/methods needed/desirable:
   - low level access
     * void read(void *buf, size_t len) // read *exactly* len bytes into buf
     * void write(void *buf, size_t len) // write *exactly* len bytes from buf to stream
   - convenient methods to read/write basic types in binary (!) from/to stream
     * <type> read<Type>() (like int readInt()) or T read(T)() (like int read!int())
       - with enforcing T is somehow basic (certainly no Object or pointer)
       - could use read(void *buf, size_t len) like in old implementation
     * void write( <basic type> val ) or void write(T)( T val ) - again T should be basic type
       - could use write(void *buf, size_t len) like in old implementation
   - convenient methods to read/write arrays of T (T should again be a basic type)
     * T[] readArray(T)( size_t len) // return array of T's containing len T's
       - probably both alternatives make sense - the first one to write into an existing
         array (-slice), the second one for convenience if you want a new array anyway
     * void read(T)( T[] array ) // read array.length T's into array
       - maybe name this readArray(T)(..) as well for consistency?
     * void writeArray(T)( T[] array )
   - special cases for strings?
     * void writeString(char[] str) // same for wchar and dchar
       - could write str into the stream with its length (as ushort xor uint xor ulong,
         _not_ size_t!) prepended
     * char[] readString() // same for wchar and dchar
       - read length of the string and then the string itself that will be returned

   - all that array/string/low level stuff but reading *at most* len (or array.length) values
     and returning the amount actually read ( readUpTo() ?)
     * useful e.g. for parsing http (you don't know how long the header is etc)
     * the same for write? don't see much use for that though..

   - some way to determine whether the stream
     * is at its definite end (eof on file, socket closed or something like that)
     * currently empty (for input stream) - just doing a read() would block ?

   - Output streams need flush()
   - for Input streams skip(size_t noBytes) or even skip(T)(size_t noElems) may be
     handy to just throw away data we're not interested in without having it
     copied around - especially for non-seekable streams (network..)

- Daniel

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