Current status of DB libraries in D

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at
Tue Oct 12 14:31:50 PDT 2010

Gour D. Wrote:

> It would be nice if the wiki could be cleaned a bit...Same goes for
> to clean it from dead projects and make it more easy to
> find out what's alive and working.

I did actually do a big cleanup and removed a hug amount of obsolete content. My main goal was to actually apply organization to it, so outdated content still remains but only because there isn't newer information to replace it. There is definitely a need to distinguish between dead and stable projects and their associated libraries/version requirements.

But I don't have the heart yet to remove projects since having some code is better then none if you want to connect to a DB. There has been some mention of an update to DSource which would give stats on activity... but it has been about a year now.

Otherwise I highly suggest as you discover things about what is mentioned in Wiki4D that Adding the heading you can find on the XML library page[1].


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