zero-copy API

Denis Koroskin 2korden at
Thu Oct 14 17:50:05 PDT 2010

On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 03:08:23 +0400, Andrei Alexandrescu  
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote:

> Andrei

That paper is an ancient one and the API they demonstrated isn't a good  
one. It is a huge step backward for a language with a garbage collector to  
ask users to free buffers manually when they don't need them. You can't do  
it automatically upon next read/write operation because user can still  
have a pointer to it. In general, you can't reuse old buffer and it means  
you must allocate new one every time you issue an I/O request, and memory  
allocation is a more expensive operation than a memcpy.

In many OS documentations (e.g. in Windows and Sony consoles that use  
Linux kernel) it is stated that I/O operations often use provided buffers  
directly (if an underlying hardware allows to), you usually don't need to  
do anything special for that to occur (in PlayStation Portable read  
requires you buffer to be aligned at 4 bytes boundary, it will fail  
otherwise, but when was last time you used an unaligned buffer?).

IIRC, D memory allocator aligns memory at 16 bytes boundary, and it is  
very strange to provide an unaligned slice the read(). However, if Stream  
buffers anything, there can be N bytes stored in the buffer, and N can be  
unaligned. In this case, you have to copy these N bytes to the  
user-provided buffer, and then call osSpecificRead(fd, userBuffer.ptr + N,  
userBuffer.length - N); As a result, userBuffer.ptr + N can now be  
unaligned, and direct io is impossible in this case. Conclusion: Stream  
interface should not do any buffering, all it should do is call  
osSpecificRead on a user-provided buffer directly.

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