rationale for function and delegate

klickverbot see at klickverbot.at
Sat Oct 16 02:07:08 PDT 2010

On 10/16/10 10:40 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> while reading TDPL I start wondering what is the background between function
> and delegate.

delegate() is a function pointer amended with a second context pointer, 
which allows you to have pointers to member functions, closures and so on.

function() is a C-style function pointer and can be used to interface 
with C code, etc., but obviously not for closures, since it its lacking 
the context part.

There is a clear difference between the two types, Ilthough you probably 
don't need raw function pointers very often if you are working in a D 
only environment. If you want to have the compiler decide, you could 
always use auto…

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