htod feature request: save commands in translated file

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Sun Oct 17 17:52:25 PDT 2010

I don't know where else to put this topic. Currently htod translates a C/CPP header file to D and adds a line at the top such as:

/* Converted to D from someheaderfile.h by htod */

The Bindings project relies heavily on htod, but the problem is: when a new version of a library comes out you're left wondering which commands were used with htod to translate the header files.

So the feature request is, if I specify some commands to htod, such as:

htod cheader.h dimport.d -cpp -hc -hi

then htod should put those commands in the resulting file as a comment, e.g.:

/* Converted to D from someheaderfile.h by htod */
/* using arguments: -cpp -hc -hi */

Whaddya think?

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