Linux Agora D thread

Fawzi Mohamed fawzi at
Fri Oct 22 09:11:15 PDT 2010

On 22-ott-10, at 10:56, retard wrote:

> [...]
> What annoys me the most in pro D articles is the author usually  
> tries to
> prove (in a naive way) that despite all the deficiencies the  
> language and
> tool chain is better even *now* than all of the competition or that  
> the
> *potential* is so high that the only logical conclusion is to move  
> to D
> *now*. Clearly this isn't the case. These kind of articles give people
> the wrong impression. I'm just trying to bring up the *pragmatic*  
> point
> of view.
> For instance, I'm starting the implementation of a 64-bit systems/
> application programming project *now*. The implementation phase will  
> last
> N months (assume optimistic waterfall process model here). How many  
> weeks/
> months must the N at least be to make D a feasible option?

D1/tango is feasible now (using ldc)

> A typical lead developer / project manager has to make decisions  
> based on
> some assumptions. E.g.
> Platform      Implementation  Developer  Performance  Platform
>             Time            Market     Index        Risk factor
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> C/x64 Linux   12 months       good       100          medium
> C++/x64 Linux 10 months       ok         110          high
> Java/x64 JVM  8 months        excellent  80           low
> C#/Windows 64 7 months        very good  85           low
> Python/Linux  4-5 months      very good  30           low
> D             12+ months?     very bad   80-115 ?     very high
> The metrics are imaginary. The point was to show that language  
> goodness
> isn't a single scalar value.
> Why I think the D platform's risk is so high is because the author
> constantly refuses to give ANY estimates on feature schedules.  
> There's no
> up-to-date roadmap anywhere. The bugzilla voting system doesn't work.
> Lots of production ready core functionality is missing (for example  
> how
> long has d2 distribution had a commercial quality xml framework?)

D1/tango also has a good xml parser

> For example gcc has had 64-bit C/C++ support quite long. But it took
> several years to stabilize. The implementation of a 64-bit X-ray  
> machine
> firmware in D cannot begin one week after 64-bit DMD is announced.

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