opDispatch and template parameters

Guillaume B. guillaume.b.spam at spam.ca
Wed Sep 8 13:39:00 PDT 2010


 Is this usage of opDispatch supposed to work:

module test.d;

import std.stdio;

struct DispatchTest {
    void opDispatch(string name, string otherName)() {
        writeln(name, ":", otherName);

void main() {
    DispatchTest t;
    t.opDispatch!("testName", "testOtherName")();

 This compiles fine but if I remove the commented line, dmd (v2.048) tells 

test.d(13): Error: template instance opDispatch!("testName") does not match 
template declaration opDispatch(string name,string otherName)

The error seems OK for a "normal" function, but for opDispatch, it seems 
limiting to me. Is this a bug?

Here's an other, similar, test:

module test.d;

import std.stdio;

struct DispatchTest {
    void opDispatch(string name, T)(T t) {
        writeln(name, ":", T.stringof);

void main() {
    DispatchTest t;

Which gives, when uncommenting:

test.d(13): Error: template instance opDispatch!("testName") does not match 
template declaration opDispatch(string name,T)

So bug or not?


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