simple display (from: GUI library for D)

dsimcha dsimcha at
Fri Apr 8 14:46:07 PDT 2011

== Quote from Adam D. Ruppe (destructionator at's article
> We discussed this first in the GUI library thread, but since it
> meandered so much, I decided to split off into a new subject. Much
> of what I say here will be old to anyone who saw the previous thread.
> There's some new stuff nearer to the bottom though.
> I, with input from others, have started writing a little module
> for simple uses of a display. You can write to a bitmap, display it
> to a window, and handle events all in an easy way. The basics are
> cross platform, but you can use native function calls too.
> It's still very much in progress, but I think it's now at the point
> where the direction I'm taking it is clear.

Can it render text?  If so, I'll probably port Plot2kill to it if it becomes part
of Phobos at some point.  It would be kind of cool to have minimal Plot2kill
functionality with zero third-party dependencies.  If it's so basic that it can't
even do text rendering, then I have my doubts about whether there are very many
use cases for something so simple.

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