simple display (from: GUI library for D)

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Fri Apr 8 17:11:10 PDT 2011

bearophile wrote:
> I'd like something like this in Phobos

Me too. It's still pretty far from good enough right now, but
that's where I want ultimately want it.

My only concern is I don't want Phobos to depend on Xlib unless
the module is actually imported. I don't think it will be a problem,
but if it means a hello world won't run on a text only machine, that
won't be ok.

> I suggest something simpler like:

Yeah, moving to opIndex is something I plan to do. But, I don't
really like using a tuple for this - a regular struct makes it
a little clearer what's going on, and can be made more efficient.
(In the other thread, Nick suggested making it a simple uint
internally, using property functions to emulate other outside
faces. I like that.)

A struct might also have accessors with different color types

> I suggest something like this, to swap the two image buffers

That's not really what you're doing there - display actually
pops up a new window and waits for the user to close it.

> Plus maybe some image.event(); reader with callbacks...

What would it do?

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