simple display (from: GUI library for D)

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Fri Apr 8 17:22:20 PDT 2011

Andrej Mitrovic:
> lol, wtf? :p

My brilliant variable names! It reflects my feelings toward parts
of the bmp format I forgot about when first writing it. I didn't
account for the padding at first, then said "wtf" and added it...
then "lol"'ed at myself for not doing it right the first time.

You should have saw the original C version though:

if(hbmp == NULL)
     goto fuck;


> Btw, an exception will be thrown on unhandled key events, e.g.
> just hit CTRL:

That's weird, I've never seen GetMessage fail... ever. I'll have
to try it in real Windows later (I'm on linux / Wine right now).

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