Proposal for std.path replacement

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Wed Apr 13 06:42:36 PDT 2011

On 07/04/2011 09:32, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 15:51:15 +0100, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback, I will read it more thoroughly when I take up
> work on std.path again.  Just a general comment, though:  Having the
> exact same functionality on Windows and POSIX just doesn't work, if
> nothing else simply because "c:\dir\file" is a valid base name on POSIX.
> That is, both ':' and '\' are valid filename characters.  The ONLY
> invalid filename characters on POSIX are '/' and '\0'.
> Yes, weird file names like that may be uncommon, but the library should
> be able to handle them nonetheless.
> -Lars

Yeah, that's a good point. I'm sure yet if there is a good way that 
could address both issues, I want to think about it more later.
(in Eclipse's IPath this is less of a problem because that API works 
with a path data type, not with a path string directly)

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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