How about a Hash template?

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Fri Apr 29 12:58:03 PDT 2011

On 4/29/11 2:44 PM, KennyTM~ wrote:

You need to replace the assert and compile with -O -release -inline. My 

find in array: 163
compile-time 1: 10
either: 17
straight comparison: 8
compile-time 2: 11


import std.datetime, std.algorithm, std.typecons, std.stdio;

auto either(Keys...)(Keys keys)
     static struct Result
         bool opIn_r(Key)(Key key)
             foreach (k; keys) {
                 if (k == key) {
                     return true;
             return false;
         private Keys keys;
     return Result(keys);

struct ctEither(keys...) {
     @safe bool opBinaryRight(string op:"in", T)(in T x) const pure 
nothrow {
         foreach (k; keys)
             if (x == k)
                 return true;
         return false;

struct ctEither2(keys...) {
     @safe bool opBinaryRight(string op:"in", T)(in T x) const pure 
nothrow {
         switch (x) {
                 return false;
             foreach (k; keys) {
                 case k:
                     return true;
         return false;

int p = 1234567890;

void a() {
     p !in ctEither!(1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 
123456789)() || assert(0);
void b() {
     p !in either(1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 
123456789) || assert(0);
void c() {
     ![1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 
123456789].canFind(p)  || assert(0);
void d() {
     !(p == 1 || p == 12 || p == 123 || p == 1234 || p == 12345 || p == 
123456 || p == 1234567 || p == 12345678 || p == 123456789)  || assert(0);
void e() {
     p !in ctEither2!(1, 12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 
12345678, 123456789)() || assert(0);

void main() {
     writeln("find in array: ", benchmark!c(1_000_000)[0].to!("msecs", 
int) );

     writeln("compile-time 1: ", benchmark!a(1_000_000)[0].to!("msecs", 
int) );
     writeln("either: ", benchmark!b(1_000_000)[0].to!("msecs", int) );
     writeln("straight comparison: ", 
benchmark!d(1_000_000)[0].to!("msecs", int) );
     writeln("compile-time 2: ", benchmark!e(1_000_000)[0].to!("msecs", 
int) );

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