LDC2 snapshot package and package scripts

Christian Kamm kamm-incasoftware at removethis.de
Sat Aug 6 11:24:37 PDT 2011

If you'd like to try something with LDC2 on x86-64 linux and don't want to 
go through the hassle of compiling it yourself, grab this:

It's a dmd-style extract-and-done package.

Be warned, it's not an official release and hasn't been tested beyond a 
'Hello World'! Also, the ldc branches of druntime and phobos are lagging 
significantly behind the upstream branches.

The reason this package exists is that I had some hours left over and 
decided to create packaging scripts for ldc2 in the hope of allowing the 
current maintainers to make more frequent releases. If you sometimes want to 
compile LLVM, LDC2, druntime and phobos from scratch without bothering about 
the details, give this a try:
http://www.incasoftware.de/~kamm/ldc/ldc2-buildscripts.tbz2 .
(you need libconfig++, it's libconfig++8-dev in Ubuntu)

If there's something wrong with the package, please let me know. Bugs in LDC 
should go to http://www.dsource.org/projects/ldc/newticket .

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