[GSOC] regular expressions beta is here

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 03:42:25 PDT 2011

     In case I failed to mention it before, I m working on the project 
codenamed FReD that is aimed at ~100%* source level compatible overhaul 
of std.regex, that uses better implementation techniques, provides 
modern Unicode support and common syntax riches.

     I think it's time for a public beta release,  since it _should_ be 
ready for mainstream usage. There are some rough edges, and a couple 
issues that I'm aware of but they are nowhere in realistic use cases.

     In order to avoid unexpected regressions I'd be glad if current 
std.regex users do try it for their projects/tests.
To get a small no-crap-included beta package see download section of 
https://github.com/blackwhale/FReD for .7zs.
I'll upload newer packages as bugs get exposed and fixed. Alternatively, 
if you a comfortable with git you may just git clone entire repo. Some 
helpful notes (same as README) can be found here : 

     In order for it compile a tiny change to 2.054 source is needed (no 
need to recompile Phobos! it's only in templates):
patch std.algorithm.cmp according to this diff 
and to get CTFE features working add if(!__ctfe) listed in the next diff 
on the same webpage.
(this is already upstream, so if you're using a fork of phobos just pull 
this in)

* some API problems might lead to a breaking change, though it didn't 
happen in this release

Dmitry Olshansky

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