Marco Leise Marco.Leise at gmx.de
Thu Aug 11 05:42:02 PDT 2011

Am 11.08.2011, 14:10 Uhr, schrieb zhang <bitworld at qq.com>:

>> I believe it is a lot of work for a single person to create something of
>> the quality of Hibernate. An intermediate step may be appropriate, where
>> all the automatic glue is still done by the programmer.
> Have some guys started the first step works?

There is Robert "mrmonday" Clipsham's "serenity" web framework:

It uses all the compile-time goodies in D so you can for example write a  
foreach that fetches and iterates over rows 1 to 20 in your table. In your  
program the rows are represented as D structs (or objects?).

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