Algorithms and slices

Mafi mafi at
Fri Aug 26 11:24:43 PDT 2011

The algorithms in std.algorithm are great. They operate the same on 
arrays/slices and generic ranges. But they return their own range-types. 
Often this ok but sometimes you need a T[]. You may say  to just use 
array() but this allocates a new array! I think you sometimes want to 
get a slice to the original array. I wrote this function. It checks if 
it is ok what it is doing at runtime.

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.conv, std.exception;

void main() {
     auto x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
     auto t = x.take(3);
     foreach(i, ref elem; t) {
         writefln("%s : %s (%s)", i, elem, &elem);
     foreach(i, ref elem; array(t)) {
         writefln("%s : %s (%s)", i, elem, &elem);
     foreach(i, ref elem; slice(t)) {
         writefln("%s : %s (%s)", i, elem, &elem);

Retuns a slices of the data the given range represents.

throws: ConvException if the data is not continous.
ElementType!(R)[] slice(R)(R range) if(isInputRange!R) {
     alias ElementType!(R) E;
     E* addr = null;
     size_t length = 0;
     foreach(i, ref e; range) {
         static assert(is(typeof(e) == E));

         if(addr is null) {
             addr = &e;
         } else {
             enforce(&e is (addr + i), new ConvException("Could not 
create a continous slice."));

         assert(i == length-1);
     if (addr is null) return null;
     else return addr[0.. length];

Is there functinality like this in phobos? Does such a function fit into 
the range world.

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