NotNull pointers

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Wed Aug 31 14:01:33 PDT 2011

On Wed, 31 Aug 2011 16:40:02 -0400, Robert Clipsham  
<robert at> wrote:

> On 31/08/2011 21:19, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>>> It's also possible for the program to have its own seg fault handler
>>> that reads its own symbolic debug info and generates a line number and
>>> stack trace. There was a patch to Phobos that did this a while back.
>> This would also be a valid option. I have no idea why that wasn't
>> included. Do you?
> It's not easy to catch SIGSEGV on linux, there's a library that'll do it  
> but it's GPL (iirc), an equivalent would need writing from scratch if it  
> were to be included in druntime/phobos.

You can catch sigsegv on linux.  It takes one call to signal to register a  

The difficult part is unwinding the stack.  You can't throw an exception  
 from a signal handler (or reliably do it anyways).

Also, the stack may be in some other language (e.g. C).

But I do remember the patch and discussion, I thought all these problems  
were solved, no?  Why wasn't this adopted?


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