Java > Scala

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at
Fri Dec 2 13:08:56 PST 2011

Cool, thx for your answers. The source code for OpenJDK can be downloaded  
if you want to take a look at it. You are probably right about them not  
decoding the characters lazily since their strings are UTF-16.
The commented version of opIndex is a bit faster on my Core 2. This is the  
first time that I witnessed such speed differences between processors. :)
Also I found that the trie is usually queried twice for each matching  
character in the input string. You can't optimize opIndex any further (but  
try size_t in there instead of uint, it helped here) unless you make some  
changes on the larger scale. So if you should find out that the second  
query isn't required, that would help more than anything else.
I said it on IRC today: This library will be my reference for compile time  
code generation in D. There is a lot of expertise in it, good work!

P.S.: I'm fine with treating anything that is escaped, but not special, as  
is. \w did cause an infinite loop though, so you may want to test with the  
original regex. For \. you can assert(false, "\. is not a valid escape  
sequence") or just ignore the backslash. Personally I usually don't escape  
anything just to be on the safe side. :p

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