std.json dynamic initialization of JSONValue

Kai Meyer kai at
Tue Dec 6 14:09:28 PST 2011

On 12/06/2011 02:42 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> I could swear I replied in the other group... must have gotten lost in the
> series of tubes.
> Anyway, I think std.json is easiest to use with a little template wrapper instead
> of making JSONValues directly.
> Try this on for size:
> =====
> import std.json;
> import std.conv;
> import std.traits;
> JSONValue toJsonValue(T)(T a) {
> 	JSONValue val;
> 	static if(is(T == typeof(null))) {
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.NULL;
> 	} else static if(is(T == JSONValue)) {
> 		val = a;
> 	} else static if(isIntegral!(T)) {
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.INTEGER;
> 		val.integer = to!long(a);
> 	} else static if(isFloatingPoint!(T)) {
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.FLOAT;
> 		val.floating = to!real(a);
> 	} else static if(is(T == bool)) {
> 		if(a == true)
> 			val.type = JSON_TYPE.TRUE;
> 		if(a == false)
> 			val.type = JSON_TYPE.FALSE;
> 	} else static if(isSomeString!(T)) {
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.STRING;
> 		val.str = to!string(a);
> 	} else static if(isAssociativeArray!(T)) {
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
> 		foreach(k, v; a) {
> 			val.object[to!string(k)] = toJsonValue(v);
> 		}
> 	} else static if(isArray!(T)) {
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.ARRAY;
> 		val.array.length = a.length;
> 		foreach(i, v; a) {
> 			val.array[i] = toJsonValue(v);
> 		}
> 	} else static if(is(T == struct)) { // also can do all members of a struct...
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
> 		foreach(i, member; a.tupleof) {
> 			string name = a.tupleof[i].stringof[2..$];
> 			static if(a.tupleof[i].stringof[2] != '_')
> 				val.object[name] = toJsonValue!(typeof(member), R)(member, formatToStringAs, api);
> 		}
> 	} else { /* our catch all is to just do strings */
> 		val.type = JSON_TYPE.STRING;
> 		val.str = to!string(a);
> 	}
> 	return val;
> }
> string toJson(T)(T a) {
> 	auto v = toJsonValue(a);
> 	return toJSON(&v);
> }
> /* usage example */
> import std.stdio;
> void main() {
> 	writeln(toJson(["message": "Hello, world!"]));
> }
> ==========
> Then, you can either use toJsonValue() to fill in an object similar
> to what you were doing before, or use toJson() to skip right
> to having a string from a struct, an associative array, or many
> other D types.

I like it. Any reason something like this doesn't already exist in std.json?

-Kai Meyer

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