SDC & ddmd

Bernard Helyer b.helyer at
Fri Dec 9 22:23:00 PST 2011

Hi, primary author of SDC here.

Existing compilers (DMD, LDC, GDC, DDMD) all descend directly 
from the DMDFE. The DMDFE is thus the only real source of true 
semantics of the language, except where directly contradicted by 
Walter, Andrei, or TDPL. For the ecosystem to not become inbred, 
a new front-end is needed.

Furthermore, like others, I have become frustrated at the various 
bugs of the frontend. These bugs are passed on to all other 
compilers because of the afore-mentioned ubiquity of the 

Lastly, I work on whatever interests me personally, not what 
other people believe to be where my resources would be placed. I 
do not need to defend myself to you.

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