Fixing const arrays

torhu no at spam.invalid
Mon Dec 12 04:24:52 PST 2011

On 11.12.2011 22:24, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> It was debated some time ago, and it ended up being a property. The fact that
> save is an action verb and not a noun automatically disqualifies it as a
> property IMHO, but it was made into a property, and we're pretty much stuck
> with it at some point. As far as what the function does, I don't think that
> it's a problem that it's a property, but it's not named like a property, so
> the situation with regards to save is not ideal, but it's too late now.

I really don't get this.  When D has 10,000 programmers using it 
professionally, it's too late.  But now it's more like 5 or 10.  And 
they are all presumably aware that D2 is still undergoing some polish. 
So are the maybe a few hundred people that are using D for hobby 
projects.  They are early adopters, and they know what that entails.  I 
call bogus on the backwards compatibility argument.  There's not a lot 
to be compatible with at this stage.  Not compared to what D2 wants to 

As for Andrei's book using save with the parentheses:  If D2 gains 
traction, I'm sure there will be a second edition of that book.  And you 
already want to have the errata handy when using the book.  I don't see 
what the big deal is, at least not compared to letting this stay in the 
language forever.

save being a property is a stupid inconsistency.  It's easy to fix, the 
cost is relatively low.  The people using D2 now are all part of a 
community that want D to succeed, as am I. It's a change for the better, 
which I'm sure most current D2 users would agree with.  How hard can it be?

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