SDC & ddmd

Bernard Helyer b.helyer at
Mon Dec 19 21:08:30 PST 2011

On Monday, 19 December 2011 at 22:59:37 UTC, Trass3r wrote:
>> Are you building SDC in the same fashion as clang by chance 
>> where the pieces are modular and usable else ware? (such as 
>> the parser being able to be used in an ide?)
> It isn't as well-conceived. Hence the name, it started out as a 
> toy project and didn't have Clang-like goals in mind.
> For example last time I looked there was no proper interface 
> between the parser and "consumers". Instead an AST is always 
> built.
> Errors were processed by simply throwing exceptions etc. and 
> the code was sparsely documented.

You'd think making the first letter stand for 'stupid' would tip 
people off. :P

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