BigInt bool assign

Paul D. Anderson paul.d.removethis.anderson at
Fri Dec 23 09:46:03 PST 2011

FWIW, I've just added logical operations to my decimal number 
library ( and boolean 
interoperability arose as a byproduct.

 From std.bigint docs:

"All arithmetic operations are supported, except unsigned shift 
right (>>>). Logical operations are not currently supported."

Maybe when support for logical ops are added support for booleans 
will be introduced for consistency.

On Friday, 23 December 2011 at 12:42:24 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> Here I ask for opinions about a small enhancement request about 
> BigInt that Don has refused:
> It's not a very important thing, so I will probably avoid 
> further arguing after this post :-)
> In some languages like the ones derived from Pascal, like Ada, 
> and in some other languages Java the boolean type is very 
> distinct from the integer values. So to test if a integer value 
> is zero you write something like:
> int x = 10;
> if (x == 0) {
>   // do A ...
> } else {
>   // do B ...
> }
> In languages derived from C, like C++ and D and many others, 
> like Python too, the integer values are valid in a boolean 
> context too. This is valid C/C++/D code:
> int x = 10;
> if (x) {
>   // do B ...
> } else {
>   // do A ...
> }
> This is handy in some situations, like when you want to count 
> how many true cases there are:
> void main() {
>   auto s1 = "hello";
>   auto s2 = "hallo";
>   int hamming_distance = 0;
>   assert(s1.length == s2.length);
>   foreach (i, c1; s1)
>       hamming_distance += c1 != s2[i];
>   assert(hamming_distance == 1);
> }
> While in a Delphi/Java language you need something like:
> if (c1 != s2[i])
>   hamming_distance++;
> The implicit conversion from boolean to integer is equally 
> handy in Python:
> s1 = "hello"
> s2 = "hallo"
> hamming_distance = sum(c1 != c2 for c1,c2 in zip(s1, s2))
> assert hamming_distance == 1
> D language regards boolean values as a subset of integers so it 
> allows implicit conversion from bool to integer, but not from 
> int to bool. I don't think this will ever change in D2/D3:
> void main() {
>   int x = 1;
>   bool b = true;
>   x = b;         // bool -> int is OK
>   int y = x > 3; // bool -> int is OK
>   b = x;         // int -> bool is an Error
> }
> While multi-precision numbers are not the fixed size integers, 
> it is wise to give multi-precision numbers the same rules and 
> usages of the normal fixed size integers _everywhere this is 
> possible and handy_. This has some advantages like:
> - Reduces the cognitive burden to remember where they differ;
> - Allows for less work to adapt routines that work with 
> integers to work with BigInts. This is handy for generic code 
> and for manual translation of code.
> I have said everywhere this is possible and handy, because this 
> is not always possible. You can't use a BigInt to index an 
> array, and there are some situations where BigInts require a 
> different algorithm (example: 
> ). So I am 
> not asking BigInt to be a drop-in replacement for int in all 
> cases.
> But I have seen a hundred cases where in Python it's handy to 
> use the built-in multi-precision integers with normal 
> algorithms useful for normal integers too.
> So I have asked to allow implicit bool -> BigInt too:
> import std.bigint;
> void main() {
>   BigInt b = true;
> }
> This allows BigInt to be used as an int in a situation where it 
> causes no harm. Introducing an usage difference here between 
> int and BigInt in my opinion is gratuitous, doesn't help reduce 
> bugs, it asks the programmer to remember one difference between 
> them that gives nothing useful back. So that code should be 
> accepted.
> Bye,
> bearophile

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