Simple .d file passed in -m32 model, but failed in -m64 model. Why?

David Wang osx.david at
Sun Feb 20 06:25:32 PST 2011

Thank you Brad Roberts, at first I remove MinGW's PATHs in my system, and then
I successfully compiled the DMD, then I added back the MinGW's PATHs to the
system.  :-)

But, when I in Linux (Fedora 14 X86_64) system, I compiled a simple d file in
32bit model and 64 bit model I got different results.

1). test.d source:
import std.stdio;

void main()


    writeln("Under 32bit model & 64bit model: \n");

    int[] months = new int[12];

    months = [99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99];

    writeln("Original months array value: \n", months,

    writeln("start to bind in turn:");

    foreach (i, ref e; months)


        writeln("index i = ", i, ", \"looked \'in\' array\" value e = ", e);

        e = i + 1;

        writeln("temp i = ", i, ", temp e = i + 1 = ", e);

        writeln("months array: ", months);

        writeln("used i = ", i, ", and used e = ", e, "\n");


    writeln("finished binding...");

    writeln("=====================\n\nFinal months array value: \n", months);


2). I compile it using the command:
[David at Ocean ~]$ dmd -m32 test.d
And I successfully got the result "test" file.

3). I compile it using the command:
[David at Ocean ~]$ dmd -m64 test.d
And I got the error:
"test.d(18): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (i + 1LU) of type
ulong to int"

Why the same source file shows different results?
How to fix this problem?

Waiting for kindly help.


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