Pretty please: Named arguments

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Mon Feb 28 10:51:56 PST 2011

On Sunday, February 27, 2011 23:03:46 Bekenn wrote:
> Consider the following line from a project I'm playing around with:
> 	HRESULT hr = m_Device.Present(null, null, null, null);
> Quick: What behavior does that third argument specify?  If you said,
> "Well, /obviously/, that's a handle to an alternative destination window
> for the render operation; by passing null, you're choosing not to
> provide an alternative render target." then... well, gee, I have no
> answer to that.
> With named arguments, it becomes a bit easier to understand:
> 	HRESULT hr = m_Device.Present(pSourceRect: null, pDestRect: null,
> hDestWindowOverride: null, pDirtyRegion: null);
> If I remember right, Python has this (optional) feature; I'm not aware
> of anyone ever complaining about it.  It also nicely provides a solution
> to the bool argument problem:
> But wait, there's more!
> Named arguments get a +1 synergy bonus with default arguments.  When
> using parameter names to specify arguments, the order in which those
> arguments are passed no longer matters.  Imagine if the Present() method
> above provided the default argument null for each parameter:
> interface IDirect3DDevice9 : IUnknown
> {
> 	...
> 	HRESULT Present(const(RECT)* pSourceRect = null, const(RECT)* pDestRect
> = null, HWND hDestWindowOverride = null, const(RGNDATA)* pDirtyRegion =
> null);
> 	...
> }
> We can do this in the D binding without running afoul of any linkage
> issues, and it simplifies the Present() call for its most common usage,
> which I think is a good thing.  Now, let's say I'm doing something
> special; suppose I'm not worried about source and destination rectangles
> or dirty regions, but I do want to supply a different render target.
> With named arguments, that's easy to do without making things messy:
> 	HRESULT hr = m_Device.Present(hDestWindowOverride: hOverride);
> Named arguments should also play nicely with positional arguments:
> 	auto wrappedString = wrap(reallyLongString, colmuns: 120, tabsize: 4);
> Lastly, wouldn't be an entirely new feature; D already supports named
> arguments for static struct initializers.  I merely propose sharing the
> love with normal functions and struct literals.
> Here are the rules I have in mind:
> 1) Named arguments are not a replacement for positional arguments.
> Arguments fall into three categories: positional, named positional, and
> named non-positional.  An argument is positional if no name is supplied.
>   An argument is named positional if a name is supplied and its position
> matches the parameter's position in the function declaration.  An
> argument is named non-positional if a name is supplied and either a) its
> position does not match the parameter's position in the function
> declaration, or b) it is immediately preceded by a named non-positional
> argument.
> 2) No positional argument may appear after a named non-positional argument.
> 3) Named non-positional arguments may appear in any order.
> Potential problems:  The only problems I can foresee here are variations
> on the situation when there are two (or more) versions of a function
> with the same number, type, and names of parameters, but in non-matching
> order, like this:
> void func(int a, char b);
> void func(char b, int a);
> In such a case, the compiler should diagnose an error if named arguments
> are employed.
> Thoughts?

I'm not entirely against named arguments being in D, however I do think that any 
functions that actually need them should be refactored anyway. So, ultimately, 
I'm not sure that they're really all that useful. I'm sure that they'd be useful 
upon occasion, but if you actually need them, then your function is taking too 
many arguments.

In actuality, if I were to vote on whether named arguments should be in the 
language, I would definitely vote against it (I just plain don't want the code 
clutter, and they strike me as a crutch to avoid writing functions with good 
signatures in spite of their usefulness in some situations), but I can see why 
some people might want them.

- Jonathan M Davis

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